My Recipes
тм 4СЕЗОНА is about healthy living for modern people

Chicken in Beijing

Cooked rice, chicken breast fillet, carrots, black Chinese mushroom, bamboo, masha sprouts, green peas, vegetable oil, spices, seasonings, salt
Nutritional value per 100g of product:
Fats 3.3 g
Squirrels 5.6 g
Carbohydrates 12.2 g
Caloric content 102 kcal
Rich in vitamins and microelements:
The content of chemical elements in 100 g of the ingredient
Green peas
Carotene 0,4 mcg
В1 0,34 mcg
В2 0,19 mcg
РР 2 mcg
С 25 mcg
E 0,2 mcg
В4 27 mcg
Na 2 mcg
К 285 mcg
Са 26 mcg
Mg 38 mcg
P 122 mcg
Fe 0,7 mcg
Se 1,9 mcg
Carotene 120 mcg
В1 0,06 mcg
В2 0,07 mcg
РР 1 mcg
С 5 mcg
В4 8,8 mcg
Na 21 mcg
К 200 mcg
Са 27 mcg
Mg 38 mcg
P 55 mcg
Fe 0,7 mcg
H 0,6 mcg
Se 0,1 mcg
I 5 mcg
Co 2 mcg
Mo 20 mcg
F 55 mcg
B 200 mcg
А 0,012
В1 0,15 mcg
В2 0,07 mcg
РР 0,6 mcg
С 4 mcg
Е 1 mcg
В6 0,24 mcg
В9 7 mcg
S 26 mcg
Мn 0,262 mcg
Zn 1,1 mcg
Cu 190 mcg
Na 4 mcg
К 533 mcg
Са 13 mcg
Mg 3 mcg
P 59 mcg
Fe 0,5 mcg
Sprouts masha
А 0,006 mcg
В1 0,1 mcg
В2 0,12 mcg
РР 1,37 mcg
С 20,5 mcg
Е 0,1 mcg
В6 0,1 mcg
В9 61 mcg
Мn 0,19 mcg
Zn 0,41 mcg
Cu 0,16 mcg
Na 6 mcg
К 149 mcg
Са 13 mcg
Mg 21 mcg
P 54 mcg
Fe 0,91 mcg
1. Chemical composition of Russian food products. Edited by Corresponding Member. MAI, prof. I. M. Skurikhin and Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. V. A. Tutelyan. - Moscow, 2002;
2. Chemical composition of food products: Reference tables for the content of essential nutrients and the energy value of food products. Book. I: / Ed. I. M. Skurikhin and M. N. Volgarev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 224 p.;
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My Recipes