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Warm salad with roast beef and eggplant

00:35 min
144 kcal
Energy value:
Fats - 9g
Proteins - 11g
Carbs - 2g
Calculation of portions:

If you want to treat yourself to a gastronomic delicacy, then by all means try a warm salad with eggplant. This fragrant original dish will beautifully decorate dinner or will be a great addition to a dinner party.

Cooking a warm salad with beef does not require special preparation or experience. And the frozen mixture will help to cope with the dish in just 35 minutes. In addition, thanks to the technology of dry freezing, useful vitamins and trace elements are completely preserved in vegetables. 

Just follow our recipe for a warm salad with beef and you will get the most delicate dish.

Cooking Method
Rinse the tenderloin at room temperature and blot it with a paper towel. Mix herbs, salt, freshly ground black pepper and a little olive oil in a mortar, grind. Rub the meat with a spicy mixture to get a crust and put it on a hot frying pan, sprinkling with olive oil. Fry on all sides for 3-4 minutes and then send to a preheated 180 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, put the roast beef aside to "rest", covered with foil.
Cut the onion into strips. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin layers, it is more convenient to do it with a vegetable peeler.
Frozen vegetables "Chopped eggplant", "Chopped sweet pepper" and onions fry in a frying pan for 10 minutes with the addition of olive oil or vegetable oil. Add salt, pepper, to taste. Fry the carrots in another frying pan with the addition of olive oil for 2-3 minutes. Cut the meat into slices. Put the finished salad in portions, make a "rose" from carrots on top, put roast beef and decorate with cherry tomatoes and pine nuts. Enjoy your meal!
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