My Recipes
тм 4СЕЗОНА is about healthy living for modern people

Bechamel fish

Cooked pasta (flour, water), Pacific pollock fillet (Theragra chalcogramma), chopped blanched, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower cabbage, water, vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, spices, spices, table salt, natural flavors.
Nutritional value per 100g of product:
Fats 6.1 g
Squirrels 6.8 g
Carbohydrates 11.6 g
Calorie content 128 kcal
Rich in vitamins and microelements:
The content of chemical elements in 100 g of the ingredient
А 31 mcg
В1 0,071 mcg
В2 0,117 mcg
РР 0,639 mcg
С 89,2 mcg
Е 0,78 mcg
В6 0,175 mcg
В9 63 mcg
В4 18,7 mcg
Na 4 33 mcg
К 316 mcg
Са 47 mcg
Mg 21 mcg
P 66 mcg
Fe 0,73 mcg
S 28,2 mcg
Мn 0,21 mcg
Zn 0,41 mcg
Cu 49 mcg
H 0,5 mcg
Se 2,5 mcg
I 15 mcg
B 185 mcg
Carotene 0,02 mcg
В1 0,1 mcg
В2 0,1 mcg
РР 0,6 mcg
С 70 mcg
E 0,2 mcg
В4 41,9 mcg
Na 10 mcg
К 210 mcg
Са 26 mcg
Mg 17 mcg
P 51 mcg
Fe 1,4 mcg
Se 0,8 mcg
1. Chemical composition of Russian food products. Edited by Corresponding Member. MAI, prof. I. M. Skurikhin and Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. V. A. Tutelyan. - Moscow, 2002;
2. Chemical composition of food products: Reference tables for the content of essential nutrients and the energy value of food products. Book. I: / Ed. I. M. Skurikhin and M. N. Volgarev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. - 224 p.;

My Recipes